Uncategorized Das Subkonto-Feature im Vergleich: Zak vs neon Das Subkonto - der digitale Umschlag In der Schweiz gibt es zwei führende Neobanken meiner Wahl: neon und Zak Beide bieten das Feature von Subkonti…Andrew2024-09-09
Uncategorized Even successful authors do not make that much money Recently, I wondered about how much a famous author makes. But, what does it acutally mean to be a successful author? A "Successful Author" -…Andrew2024-01-14
Uncategorized Why do you sacrifice your physical well-being for work, but not for your dreams? Today was one of those days where I had to force myself to do almost everything. I had only slept for 4.5 hours. I had…Andrew2024-01-05
Uncategorized How Alex Hormozi Handles A Robbery I just imagined how Alex Hormozi would tell us, how he handled a robbery... Enjoy the read! And all the love to you Alex. I…Andrew2023-11-13
Uncategorized How I Decided Which Business To Pursue What to expect? With this entry I start a new series of blog posts about my journey in (*slavic accent on*) BIG BIZNIS (*slavic accent…Andrew2023-05-08
Uncategorized A new plan for Seneca Well, here we are. I am late with my posts. In fact very much. I'm struggling finding a rhythm. I wrote my first post (with…Andrew2023-03-22
Uncategorized ‘Letters to Lucilius’ by Seneca – 1 to 5 1st Letter Summary Seneca starts his first letter strong. He writes about the importance of the appreciation of time. Thoughts I wondered how Seneca would…Andrew2023-02-20
Uncategorized Ein stoischer Ansatz zur Wahrnehmiung der Zeit Der erste Monat des Jahres 2023 ist auch schon vorbei. Schnell geht’s. Ein Freund von mir hat mir mal von der Idee erzählt, dass wir…Andrew2023-02-11
Uncategorized Ist das eine Abkürzung? Nein, aber ein Abenteuer! Eine neu gefundene Liebe namens Laufen Ich habe das Laufen neu für mich entdeckt. Vorgestern war mir mal mehr nach Laufen zumute statt wie sonst…Andrew2023-01-20
Uncategorized How science-based research ruined my mental health I want to lead this entry with my appreciation for science. I love science and I think our ability to think logically and use science…Andrew2023-01-09